Friday, January 20, 2012

How does Domino's track your pizza order online?

On the Pizza Tracker on the Domino's pizza website, how does the tracker know at what station your pizza is being made at what time and who is making it?

Is there a button at each station?How does Domino's track your pizza order online?
Yep - the order shows up on the pizza makers screen as they toss the dough and top the pizza. Once they put it into the oven, they clear it from the screen, at which point it shows up on the dispatch screen. When it comes out of the oven AND a driver is available to take it, that driver checks the run out of the dipatch screen at which point it is classified as being delivered or on the road. It doesn't show up as being delivered until the driver either checks back in at the store or a manager checks them back in early to make better delivery times (which is why sometimes a pizza is reported delivered on your tracker before it actually reaches your door).How does Domino's track your pizza order online?
Im thinking something like that, yes. I LOVE the pizza tracker. Im tracking mine right now, its baking. hehe

My order got placed at 11:16 am, eight minutes later its been boxed? lol Dominos kicks ***.How does Domino's track your pizza order online?
that is what i love about order online from them

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