Saturday, February 18, 2012

How (what kind) of quiz can u come up with to help me study?

I have to study these 100 words! I know like A LOT of them, but is there a game that i can make online or on the computer so that it will help me study? Please Help! Thanks. PS: if u know were i can make the game Jeopardy out of these 100 vocabulary words then hit me up! thanks so much! Best answer gets 10 points and 5 stars!

Here are the words:

o 1973 oil crisis

o 38th parallel

o African National Congress (ANC)

o AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

o al-Qaeda

o Anti-Semitism

o Apartheid

o Arab

o Ayatollah

o Balfour Declaration

o Berlin Conference

o Boer

o Boycott

o Capital Goods

o Civil War

o Cold War

o Colonialism

o Colonization

o Communism

o Cultural Revolution

o Deforestation

o Demilitarized zone (DMZ)

o Desalination

o Desertification

o Diaspora

o Domino Theory

o Drought

o East India Company

o Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

o Embargo

o Entrepreneur

o Ethnic group

o Exchange Rate

o Famine

o Genocide

o Gross Domestic Product (GDP)


o Holocaust

o Human Capital

o Imperialism

o Interdependence

o Invest

o Jihad

o Long March

o Malaria

o Mau Mau

o Monotheism

o Monsoon

o Muslim

o Nationalism

o Natural Resource

o Oasis

o OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

o Opportunity cost

o Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

o Pan-Africanism

o Pandemic

o Pogrom

o Polytheistic

o Profit

o Quota

o Racism

o Refugee

o Sahel

o Sanskrit

o Savanna

o Scarcity

o Scramble for Africa

o Shi鈥檌te

o Socialism

o Specialization

o Subsistence farming

o Suez Canal

o Sunni

o Surplus

o Taliban

o Tariff

o Triangle Slave Trade

o Want

o Water Rights

o Weapons of mass destruction

o ZionismHow (what kind) of quiz can u come up with to help me study?
this website might help鈥?/a>

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